Monday, November 16, 2009

People watching in Zagorsk

Other than at the monastery, elderly women definitely dominated the landscape in Zagorsk. Like anywhere else, young people flee to the cities; and, of course, among the older generations, many more men than women were lost in World War II. Russia lost more people than any other country in that war—20 million, I believe—and many more were killed by Stalin when they returned.
I confess I really enjoy taking photos of older people, especially in the countryside—so I didn't put my camera down much in Zagorsk.


Unknown said...

Hello, I've been scrolling through your posts and looking at all the lovely pics! I also love travelling, and enjoy seeing pics of places I haven't been to yet! Following you now so I can see more :-)
Cheers, Karen

gogouci said...

The elderly in your photos show such character. Nice series.