Monday, August 31, 2009

David and... palm trees?

If you have to look twice at this statue of David, you are not alone. I took this photo at the opulent Barnum Mansion in Sarasota, Florida. He obviously was into ancient civilizations, and decided to recreate what he could among the palm trees. The Remus & Romulus suckling the she-wolf is from there too. I really enjoyed visiting, and got some great plant shots I'll post another day.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Oh my gosh, the first time I ever saw that Romulus & Remus statue was outside a restaurant in upstate New York called The Beeches. I was just a little kid and it freaked me out! But we went there many times and eventually I got used to it. You can see a picture of it here.

ProdigalWife said...

That's funny. I didn't realize Remus & Romulus got around so much! I'm going to check out that photo now.

ProdigalWife said...

Ha, ha, that is pretty scary! This one was much more refined--and scaled!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Hmmm ... we've got PLENTY of Palm Trees where I live, but ya don't see a statue of David anywhere near them.
Hugs and blessings,